Information about our bungalows

  • Maximum occupancy: 4 + 1 (additional bed)
  • Size: 12m + 12m2 / 2 floors
  • View: Zrmanja river
  • Price: 120 € / per night
  • Price for pets: 10 € / per night





Small stone Villa

  • Maximum occupancy: 6
  • View: Zrmanja river
  • Price: 250 € / per night (min. 7 nights)
  • Price for pets: 10 € / per night

The villa is entirely made of stone, located on the riverbank and offers an exceptional experience of nature

Luxury mobile home

  • Maximum occupancy: 4
  • View: Zrmanja river
  • Price: 210 € / per night (min. 7 nights)
  • Price for pets: 10 € / per night

Luxury mobile home – Big

  • Maximum occupancy: 5
  • View: Zrmanja river
  • Price: 230 € / per night (min. 7 nights)
  • Price for pets: 10 € / per night